Friday, December 12, 2003


Some relationships seem to be built out of brick. One could huff and puff. And nothing.

I imagine there are ways to compromise the foundation of any rock solid building. But are there ways to forge a foundation once it has been weakened?

A number of years ago, a huge flood swept through my home town. My grandmother's house was one of many that quickly saw water touch the ceiling (luckily she was not in her house at the time.) When the flood was over, the government came in and offered support. On top of that, they marked all the houses whose foundations had been cracked with a huge, red X. All the red X'ed houses were demolished within the year.


It's a good thing that when one breaks a bone, the doctor doesn't mark it with a big, red X. Of course, the lack of a red X may lull limb abusers into a false sense of security! Will they realize that a healing limb cannot be taxed in the way it was designed to until it is fully healed? Will they understand that attempting to do so beforehand may hinder the healing process?


When I was flying home for Thanksgiving, there was bad weather in Houston. "Bad weather in Houston" meant, I learned, "there may be too many people booked on this flight" due to a weight balancing issue.

I volunteered to take a later flight (for a $250 voucher). I would have arrived in San Antonio only 3 hours after my originally scheduled arrival!

Alas, my seat was not needed. In fact, it appears they didn't need to boot anyone off the flight. You could say that I was unlucky because I missed out on an opportunity for a $250 voucher. Or that I'm lucky because I arrived in San Antonio with no delay.

Perspective shows her worth once again.


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