Thursday, February 16, 2012


PeekabooThis morning, idling at an extra long, red light, I reminded myself that I had plenty of time to make it to my next meeting and there was no reason to get upset over the commute. As I took a deep breath and a look around, my gaze landed on something that appeared to be gazing right back at me – something cute and puppet-like.

It turned out to be a rusty pipe, protruding from behind a column at just the right angle to trick my eyes. Needless to say, my mood immediately shifted from “why am I stuck here?” to “I’m so glad I had to stop”.

Can you see it?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sharing: A little tied up


Up until a few weeks ago, I was living in a choking, rat’s nest of cables. Every time I expended effort untangling whatever cord the specific gadget I wanted to use at the moment called for, the voice that I usually ignore would pipe up. For years, it repeated versions of “You really ought to do something about this!” or “Why haven’t you bought cable ties already?!

A few weeks ago, the sympathy I felt as I watched my running-late partner frantically dive into the  pile of knotted nastiness amplified my inner nagging. I hopped onto Amazon and found what’s referred to as purse lock cable ties and bought a 1/4 inch pack of  50.

Oh my gosh, these things are awesome. I put them to work as soon as they arrived in the mail, and bought the 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch 50 packs later that same day. I’m a little embarrassed to admit, but I find myself looking for additional things to bundle up with these suckers.

What do you use for this kind of thing?

Thursday, February 09, 2012

But you can’t ignore my techno*

Today kicked off week one of the Technovation Challenge, an Iridescent program which focuses on inspiring girls to expand their view of themselves from merely users of technology to entrepreneurially-spirited technology inventors, designers, and builders. I’m excited to be participating as a mentor!

Teams, made up five girls and one mentor, met for the first time and worked on a few tasks together. The girls on my team are awesome and I look forward to working with them over the next 9 weeks. We haven’t come up with a name for ourselves yet – until we settle on one, I will refer to the group as D2SEL2 (the formula represents first initials). The girls will be meeting this coming Monday, at which point they might come up with a team name and/or ideas for our team project. I will find out by next Thursday!

(*Yay to those of you who get the reference to Electric Six!)

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Tutu cute

Something on the way to work today made me smile.


Can you see what it was?


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