- Get over yourself
I once knew a guy (let’s call him Al) who literally shook his fists in frustration and wailed – yes, wailed -- “Why does this always happen to me?!” when he came to a STOP SIGN at an intersection.
Fine, he was running late. But come on, couldn’t he see that what he was perceiving as the world personally stepping in to mess with him was something that any driver would have come across in the same situation? It didn’t seem to occur to him that his response was over-the-top melodramatic. Just in case you’re wondering, he also responded this way to rain and, no he was never really able to see the humor in it all. (No matter how frequently I pointed it out, with tears of laughter streaming down my face.)
Guess what? If you ever find yourself annoyed when waiting in line, feeling put upon when stuck in rush hour traffic, or absolutely inconvenienced when called in for jury duty – it’s possible you’re pulling an Al.
Do what I do when I recognize I’m pulling an Al -- take it up a notch. Shake your fists, stomp your feet, wail a little… In other words, do whatever you need to feel as silly as Al sounds. If you don’t manage to get a laugh out of this yourself, believe me, someone else will.
- A joke
Late one night a thug and his lady friend were walking down a window-shop lined street.
“Oooh” the lady friend cooed at the first window. “Look at the beautiful necklace. I would love to have a necklace like that.”
The thug looked up the street, the thug looked down the street. Seeing that the coast was clear, he pulled a brick out of his pocket and smashed the window. “There you go!”
“Ahhhh” the lady friend sighed at the second window. “Look at that lovely jacket. I would love to have a jacket like that.”
Once again, the thug looked up the street, the thug looked down the street. Seeing that the coast was clear, he pulled a brick out of his pocket and smashed the window. “Voila!”
“Wow” the thug lady friend gasped at the third window. “That Ipod is so cool. I have always wanted an Ipod!”
The thug looked at her, annoyed. “What, do you think I’m made of bricks?”
- Something ridiculously cute
Have a great weekend, folks!

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