Friday, September 04, 2009

You're here!

September Fridays are for something positive.

I am all about accessibility here. Unlike the insane amounts of money or levels of privilege required to enjoy the sorts of products or experiences highlighted in "My Favorite Things" articles found in "aspiration" magazines, all that's needed here for the possibility of walking away with a smile, a laugh, or a little more hope in humanity is for you to show up.


Today I'm going to try for all three.

1. Smile.
If you haven't ever clicked through the delightful Upside Down Frown, get to it! Now. Seriously.
2. Laugh. Here's a random joke.
A guy pulls his buddy aside during a bathroom break from their double date and shows him the diamond ring he bought his girlfriend for her birthday.

His friend was confused. "I thought she wanted a new vehicle?"

"She did," the guy admitted. "But where am I going to find a fake car?"
3. Humanity. From an August 10, 2009 article about a toll taker in San Francisco.
"When someone's toll gets paid by another driver they're shocked. Sometimes they'll pay for the car behind them, especially at Christmas time. One of the other collectors said this happened once, and it set off a chain of 18 people who paid the toll for the car behind them."

18 people! I love that someone out there counted.

Check in tomorrow at for an original piece. If you're wondering what that means, then you have even more reason to come back. :)

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