Friday, September 11, 2009

A gift of laughter and other positive things

Are you ready for some attitude shifting today?  laughter

1.  Make the world a better place.

I don’t know about you, but I often feel better when I’ve had a positive impact on someone.  The cool thing is, having a positive impact on someone is not that difficult to do.  Last week, I pointed you to a place that hopefully reminded you that a smile can make a real difference.

What about laughter?  I hear it’s contagious.  Click here to get infected and remember to pass it on! 

2.  Help people make your world a better place.

Set your friends, families, and colleagues up for success.  Instead of secretly expecting them to let you down, let them know what you want and need from them.

Birthday’s are a big deal to me.  I try to make a point of remembering the birthday’s of close friends, and using the day as an opportunity to celebrate them in some way or another.  For years, I would get low, low, low on my own birthday – it’s so close to the beginning of the school year that many of my classmates were so wrapped up in a new semester and they would forget.  It took me a while to realize that I gained nothing by letting my “they’re going to forget this year, too” prediction come true.

Now, I remind my friends about my birthday and in general ask for what I want.  I’m much happier as a result.

3.  Find something to put in your pocket this weekend.

Sometime back I wrote about collecting memories of things that make you feel good.  If you can’t find anything else that fits the bill, you can always try this


1 comment:

Marni Gillard said...

Elsa, I love reading your words. I really hear your writer's voice, different just a tad from your talker's voice, but then again I haven't talked to you in so long. Thanks for these invites to laugh and live. I hope your b'day was GRAND in big and in tiny little satisfying ways. I loved you guys visiting me this summer. So sweet. HOPE we get to do that again and I'm HERE! xoxoxo Marni


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